West Wilkes Band and Chorus Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
The West Wilkes Band and Chorus will be selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to raise money to support our programs for this school year. All the money we raise will go to help pay for chorus and band field trips and materials. Students will raise money for the group they are participating in- all chorus proceeds will benefit the chorus and all band proceeds will benefit the band program.
Here is some important information to remember:
One Dozen Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Doughnuts- $15.00
Sale Starts: Monday, November 4 and Ends: Wednesday, November 13
All money and order forms are due: WEDNESDAY, November 13
Doughnuts will be delivered Tuesday, November 19 to WWMS Cafeteria. Please make arrangements to pick up your doughnuts on that day!
If you have any questions about the chorus sale, please contact
Mrs. Schwab at [email protected]
If you have any questions about the band sale, please contact
Mr. Dauer at [email protected]
Thank you for supporting these young musicians!